HELIBAR® is the base line extrusion unit which combines all these advantages. Helix has been designing and manufacturing several thousands of HELIBAR® units which operate successfully in the plastics industry.
Advantages of Helibar®
- Energy savings
The use of HELIBAR® technology reduces the total energy consumption per kg product by 10–25 %. - Output
Using a HELIBAR® barrel and screw combination the output of your single screw extruder can be improved by 20–100 %. - Lower Melt Temperature
With HELIBAR® the melt temperature is reduced. - Less wear on barrel and screw
There is a drastic reduction of wear on a HELIBAR® unit. - Pressure Stability
It is typical of HELIBAR® that up to a die pressure of 800 bar the output will be completely stable. Over the whole range of rpm the specific output is constant.

How does Helibar® do this?
- Thinner melt film and improved heattransfer
The interaction between barrier screw and grooved barrel results in a thinner melt film. Therefore the heat from the heaterbands gets to the solid fraction easily.

- Melting rate
With HELIBAR® the melting rate is improved by 20-100 % compared to a conventional extruder.
- Pressure build-up in the melting zone
Higher shear forces in a thinner melt film allow a pressure build-up in the melting zone which leads to an entirely different pressure curve. This effect is supported by gripping of the solid fraction on the groove edge. It results in a high process stability and avoids surging.

- HELIBAR® pressure curve
The maximum pressure in the feed zone is dramatically reduced. Thus, wear on barrel and screw is strongly reduced.

- Energy efficiency
High specific output at a low pressure level reduces the melt temperature. The energy of the heaterbands is fully used for melting the polymer. A cooling of the feed zone and a thermal separation between feed zone and plasticating zone is not needed.Compared to conventional extruders HELIBAR® has a much better energy use
HELIBAR® is a registered trademark of Extrudex Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, Mühlacker.
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E-Mail: info@helixgmbh.com